About Us

BLUSH is the brainchild of Natascha (Mom) and Kaylie (Teenager) who loves fashion. As Kaylie now basically fits into Mom's clothes, dressing up has become a fun part of the mother-daughter bond. But, as much as Kaylie enjoys dressing up, she enjoys shopping even more!
BLUSH was created to bring international fashion to your doorstep at a good price. Fash-in-a-Dash. Where you can simply dial and collect the same day. Stuck at work all day and going on a date tonight? You can pick up your order on the way home!
BLUSH went further and brought in a third generation into the mix. Granny complained that she can't find clothing fit for her age in the shops. Well, here we go. Fashion for everyone! No one should feel left out.
BLUSH was also part of a BIGger plan. Since Mom is a philanthropist at heart, Blush contributes to community outreach projects. This was also acknowledged when Mom received a Top 100 Most Influential Women in SA 2024 Award!
A BIG BLUSH Thank you for every single customer who supports us!